Top 13 Official Sentry Alternatives in 2023

Sentry Alternatives

Best Sentry Alternatives  will be described in this article. Sentry, a Full-Stack APM service used by more than 3.5 million developers, began as a side project to track the founders’ code. Sentry, which was initially developed for the purpose of monitoring Python applications, currently supports the majority of programming languages, platforms, and frameworks, including JavaScript, Ruby, Node, Go, React, Rails, Angular, Laravel, Swift, and many others.

With a self-hosted or SaaS solution, enables you to monitor numerous languages and language frameworks. It makes end-to-end distributed tracing possible and helps you to identify specific API calls with poor performance and their associated faults.

You may track the paths of events that result in problems using Sentry’s breadcrumb gathering. Version changes let you keep track of updates and the overall effect of newly pushed code. Additionally, Sentry provides a business-ready solution with supplementary capabilities like cross-functional visibility.



Top 13 Best And Official Sentry Alternatives in 2023

Top 13 Best And Official Sentry Alternatives are explained here.

1. Logtail

Logtail is a ClickHouse-based framework for organised log management. It enables real-time log collection, analysis, and visualisation.

Any of the most well-liked programming languages and frameworks, including Python and Django, JavaScript and Node.js, PHP, Ruby,.NET, and others, are supported by Logtail for data collection.

With its cutting-edge built-in collaborative tools, resource-saving ClickHouse, and aesthetically beautiful dark-mode UI, Logtail enables you to create better software more quickly.

Together with Better Uptime, which is also a component of the Better Stack ecosystem, Logtail produces a comprehensive observability solution with integrated incident management.

You may quickly alert on-call team members to any anomalies in your application’s behaviour with one-click Better Uptime integration.

No matter if it’s a particular log message issue or a predetermined usage trend.

2. LogRocket

LogRocket provides a sophisticated frontend monitoring and product analysis tool that enables you to replay sessions, assess the impact of frontend performance, examine end-user experience, track mistakes, and assess conversion-critical KPIs.

With LogRocket, you can observe user journeys, get alerts, and integrate with external applications all while getting an analysis of the effects of UX issues.

3. Dynatrace

An APM tool for automatic observability for cloud-native services is also included in Dynatrace’s all-in-one monitoring solution.

It provides end-to-end observability, monitoring for multiplatform apps, automated discovery and mapping, and root-cause and effect analysis.

It is an enterprise-ready monitoring solution with a tonne of features, which might make it initially rather expensive and painful.

4. AppSignal

AppSignal is a tool that lets you gather metrics from your application and provides an overview of your frontend and backend performance as well as host monitoring and problem tracking.

Use easily customizable dashboards to monitor data about revenue, database queries, and load size.

When something is not operating as it should, an anomaly analysis system with certain preventative alerts kicks in.

The main drawback is the absence of basic logging and monitoring functions.

5. Splunk

For cloud-native, microservice-based programmes, Splunk’s APM provides an application performance monitoring and debugging solution.

It guarantees 100% trace accuracy, complete fidelity, and AI anomaly recognition, finding, and mapping.

Since Splunk is a founding member of OpenTelemetry and is a frequent contributor, Splunk APM supports open, vendor-neutral instrumentation, enhancing flexibility.

6. Bugsnag

You can keep an eye on and troubleshoot Javascript programmes with Bugsnag.

It provides cross-browser monitoring, automatically identifies writing issues, & error grouping.

React, Vue, & Angular are three JavaScript frameworks that are helped along with error reporting libraries. These libraries hook into the frameworks’ error handler and report particular data. Also check WorkFlowy Alternatives

Additionally, for browser, OS, user, & other filters, Bugsnag delivers multi-dimensional filtering capabilities.

Additionally, it provides automatic diagnostics, stack tracing and start mapping, breadcrumb gathering, and implementation benchmarking.

Both SaaS & self-hosted deployment options are available from Bugsnag.

7. New Relic

APM, K8s monitoring, ML Model Monitoring, Log Management, Synthetics, and other monitoring services are all provided by New Relic.

Their Application Performance Monitoring provides the majority of the capabilities you’d anticipate from such a well-liked APM monitoring tool, and it enables you to traverse and see your stack.

8. Raygun

You may track the performance and defects of JavaScript web apps with Raygun, and it also gathers information for more thorough diagnostic and performance analysis.

For both web & mobile applications, Raygun offers you real-time application performance-related difficulties.

Additionally, it gathers statistics on client satisfaction, keeps track of faults and crashes, and offers code-level analysis of any downtime.

To have a client-focused monitoring solution with full observability, you can deploy Raygun combined with RUM and Crash reporting.

9. Jaeger

Jaeger is a spread tracing system inspired by Dapper that enables you to monitor and troubleshoot microservice-based distributed systems. It was created by Uber and subsequently donated to CNCF.

Cassandra and Elasticsearch are two open-source NoSQL database backends that are supported by Jaeger.

Root cause studies, server dependency analyses, performance and latency optimization, and transaction monitoring are all made possible by Jaeger.

10. SigNoz

APM tools can be replaced by the open-source, MIT-licensed software known as SigNoz.

It is a full-stack observability solution that enables you to keep an eye on metrics, traces, and log management as well.

For instrumentation, SigNoz supports OpenTelemetry and provides out-of-the-box charts and visualisations.

The backend runs on either the OLAP database ClickHouse or Kafka+Druid.

The front end is powered by Typescript, and the Query service is integrated inside GO.

11. The ELK Stack

The ELK stack is the foundation of elastic APM. It is made up of a server, open source libraries for gathering performance statistics, Elasticsearch, and Kibana for visualising the data. Also check StoriesIG Alternatives

One of the most well-liked data processing stacks available is the ELK Stack.

12. AppDynamics

You may monitor business-related metrics, user experience, applications, infrastructure, network, and service security with the help of AppDynamics’ comprehensive application monitoring solution, which provides full observability.

It provides total visibility throughout the whole application ecosystem, reinforced by insightful intelligence and fast root-cause analysis to quickly identify the root of problems.

13. Datadog

End-to-end distributed tracing provided by Datadog’s APM enables you to keep track of your applications’ performance across platforms, databases, and browsers down to the individual instructions and lines of code.

It links frontend and backend data while keeping track of service dependencies and health indicators.

This information is used by Datadog to investigate performance-related problems.

Need to know more?

Compare Datadog with Sentry here.


We reviewed Sentry, one of the most well-liked Application performance monitoring tools, in conclusion. Then, we added a few open-source APM tools that are worth checking out, as well as a summary of the Best Sentry alternatives, ranging from free to enterprise-focused options.

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