SeekaHost WordPress Host Review for the easiest Blog Setup and Management in 2022

SeekaHost WordPress Host Review for the easiest Blog Setup and Management in 2022

With so many WordPress hosts in the market to choose from, it has become extremely difficult to identify the best WordPress Hosting plan to set up a WordPress blog or website that offers good value and great features.

If you are unsure about which WordPress hosting services to look for then you should start with asking yourself:

You will find answers to those and more questions in this guide provided by WordPress Hosting experts at SeekaHost who have been testing the for over one year now to make it the most convenient and affordable control panel out there.

The hosting control panel has been developed by web developers at the renowned ClickDo agency based in London, UK with the goal to get millions of people online with their own website with a simple web application.

In order for you to see how easy it is to start a WordPress website with the SeekaPanel we have prepared a unique SeekaHost WordPress Hosting platform review to help you get online within minutes.

Why use SeekaHost’s Managed WP Hosting (The SeekaPanel)? 

Advantages of Using the Unique SeekaPanel:

Why Choose SeekaHost WordPress Hosting Plans?

Superior Performance:

The SeekaHost servers are WordPress optimized ready to take any amount of traffic surges. Its super-fast performance can be understood very well with its one-click domain and WordPress installation. It takes only a minute to install WordPress and create a WP blog.

Top Security:

By using the SeekaHost hosting control panel, you get a free SSL certificate for your WordPress site. You can choose any SeekaHost WordPress hosting plan and get the SSL installed on your site at one-click.

In the event of hacking or vulnerable attacks, you will not have to worry about your site data. Along with the automatic backups, you can take manual backups and download it to have the recent version of your website handy.

Reliable and Flexible Hosting made easy:

SeekaHost has a decade of experience in web hosting services and with the leadership of renowned SEO expert and digital entrepreneur Fernando Raymond, the company offers an easy-to-use WordPress hosting control panel designed to make website management a breeze. 

The WordPress hosting plans are flexible without a fixed term, and you can choose any plan depending upon the number of sites you want to host and disc space required. You can pay monthly or annually but annual billing will save you money. 

Multiple IP WordPress Hosting Options for Bulk Website Management

SeekaHost is the leading PBN host offering multiple IP hosting for several WordPress blogs or sites. You get unmatched performance and pricing with the SeekaPanel blog hosting control panel where you can conveniently manage all your websites in one place.

Top of the Range WordPress Hosting Plans

You can choose any WordPress hosting plan within the SeekaPanel, cPanel or Plesk control panel if you go for SeekaHost web hosting. The prices would differ depending upon the control panel you use.


All the plans include a free SSL certificate & one-click SSL installation, one-click WP installer, backup, free WP site migration, and more. The Premium plan offers WordPress support and remote support around the clock.

Simple & Fast Steps to Start a Blog with SeekaHost WordPress Hosting

As you have seen in this review, everything inside the SeekaPanel is done quickly with mostly one-click features, providing users with a smooth navigation experience. 

So, where do you start?

Step 1: Register a Domain starting at $4.99

You will get a domain confirmation email so, now you have a domain name registered for the period you have selected.

Step 2: Buy Starter WordPress Hosting plan at $1.49/month

Step 3: Create a WordPress Blog

With one-click you can get your WordPress blog live by just simply activating it in the panel.

There is one last slightly technical step remaining and that is to point the nameservers to the hosting. For this, go to the domain settings, click on manage nameservers and then click on custom nameservers. Enter both the nameservers you have been sent via email and save.


Your WordPress blog is now live on the internet and running. You can now login to your WordPress dashboard by entering your username and password as the WP admin, which can be found in your notification email from SeekaHost.

What More Can You Do with The SeekaPanel?

Apart from the super simple and fast one-click WP blog creation, the SeekaPanel also offers one-click SSL activation, backups, and email account creation. With SSL and backup, your site data will always be protected from harmful attacks. And with a custom domain email, you will impress all your partners that you communicate with and they will immediately recognise your brand. 

Final Verdict: Is the SeekaHost Hosting Control Panel the easiest Blog Setup & Management Solution in 2022?

With the easy to use one-click solutions available to all users, anyone can now set up a WordPress website or blog that is live on the internet in under 10 minutes. In combination with all the other unique features such as analytics tools and affordable and easily manageable WordPress Hosting anyone can easily start a WordPress site in matter of minutes while knowing that their website is in good hands. But test the SeekaPanel yourself and share your verdict with the SeekaHosters!

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