Mistakes to avoid with your thermostat

You’re about to start a new season of heating your home. If you’re like other homeowners, this can mean hours spent trying to figure out how much money you’ll spend on energy bills for the year.

The good news is that you can avoid some easy mistakes with your Wireless Radiator Thermostat to help increase comfort levels in your home without increasing costs too much!

You may have forgotten what your old thermostat looked like. Most of us are more comfortable with the traditional round dial design that turns to set temperatures rather than a square touch screen. So make sure you’re not stuck trying to figure out how this newfangled model works!

What happens next?

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you need to keep your home at 65 degrees or colder all day long every day of the week for months on end. It takes longer for homes heated by forced-air furnaces and gas fireplaces to warm up in cold weather, so try bumping the temp up about five degrees when no one is there during the day until things start feeling cozy again. If everyone goes back outside right away after coming inside, then turn it back down.

Common mistakes people make with Wireless Radiator Thermostat 

Scheduling Temperature Changes for Peak Demand Times


Scheduling changes in heating and cooling system operation can make a big difference when used correctly, but only if those schedules are created based on specific needs.

During the winter months, you can save some serious energy by programming your Wireless Radiator Thermostat to bump up a few degrees while everyone is sleeping between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. on weekdays when the electricity demand tends to be highest.

For these temperature changes made during different parts of the day or night (or at different seasons) to make sense, though, you need an energy use analysis to determine times of peak demand, also referred to as critical peak pricing periods.

This analysis will show you where and when the electricity used in your home is most expensive so that you can have the advantage of the free thermostat programming offered by many energy companies during those times.

This type of plan doesn’t make sense for everyone since it requires a more active role from homeowners, but if done right, it’s genuinely one of the best ways to save money with a little bit of work on your part!

Forgetting About Daylight Savings Time Changes

One time change we tend to forget about every year is daylight savings time which occurs twice per year—in spring and summer. During this period, some utilities adjust their billing systems accordingly while others do not.

This can be a problem since your energy use may look more expensive overall during the summer months when in fact, it’s just reflecting what you used while accounting for one hour less of daylight savings time. 

Not Taking Advantage of Free Energy Retrofits

Many homeowners make one mistake assuming that upgrading their existing heating and cooling system or insulating their home will automatically result in lower energy bills.

While these retrofits can help you save some money, they’re only cost-effective if your utility company offers a rebate program for making them—and even then, there’s no guarantee of how much you’ll get back!

If we look at our own experience switching over to double pane windows throughout the house, the savings were initially minimal. They didn’t start looking worthwhile until about three years after installation, when we had more than made up for all the upfront costs involved.

Not Comparing Utility Plans

Finally, one of the biggest faults you could make regarding your thermostat is not comparing utility plans before signing up for something new or switching providers altogether!

This means ignoring online tools that are available through many companies as well as going straight down to their office and looking over everything yourself—something we’ve found people rarely seem willing enough to do themselves.

The bottom line is this: don’t trust them and don’t let them pressure you into anything right away, even though they’ll likely try using scare tactics, including threats about how much money will go up each month or worse if something doesn’t change soon.

In reality, customers can usually find lower rates online without going through all of the hassles, even if it isn’t relatively as easy or convenient. 

Forgetting about Added Costs When Moving Locations

Another big mistake that homeowners make is forgetting to consider added costs—both in time and money—when moving locations!

This means underestimating how much will be required with making a move, including things like inspection fees, movers, realtors, notifying utility companies (and any other businesses) when you change addresses, among numerous others depending on your unique situation.

In addition, even something small like having leftover bills sent to the old address can quickly add up since most delivery services charge an additional fee for forwarding packages along. So, don’t assume they’ll arrive at your doorstep without some extra help, especially if you’re moving to a new city!

The good news is that homeowners can typically find help with everything they need when moving, whether through friends and family or simply hiring a professional service. The key is not to overlook anything beforehand since you likely don’t want any surprises in the end.



Now that you know the common mistakes people make while purchasing or installing a thermostat and ways to avoid it or fix it, you indeed are on the right track. Get ready for your home to feel comfortable and cozy! Remember, Wireless Radiator Thermostat is very convenient and beneficial but only when used in the right ways.

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