How to Best Take Advantage of Google Calendar

A few years ago, I remember having a planner that layed out my daily plans for every hour of the day from 8:00 AM until 9:00 PM. For the most part, this was very effective because I was able to write out and know everything that was expected of me and even write it out ahead of time.

The only issue was that if I didn’t write something down immediately, I would overlook it later and this resulted in me missing multiple meetings, forgetting to make certain calls, and in one case, not showing up for a date.

That was when I decided I needed to find a change, and I found Google Calendar.

Google Calendar is a tool that can be a game changer for users who have a phone or a Google account – which is just about all of us. After years of experience and using this tool, here are the top four reasons I recommend

utilizing this for all your calendar needs.

1. Reminders Are Sent to Your Phone

The average phone user in the US checks their phone 344 times per day. This essentially makes it impossible to miss a notification. You can set your Google Calendar to send you notifications at whatever consistency you want. Whether you do better with a one hour warning or a five minute warning, Google Calendar sends the notifications to help you not miss an appointment, phone call, or whatever else needs to get done.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been going through my day and gotten a notification that I would have otherwise forgotten. Whether it was a birthday, a meeting that was scheduled a few weeks earlier, or even just a reminder that tickets were now on sale for a movie, these notifications have been a life saver.

2. Connect to Links

When putting in an event or scheduled notification, one of the extremely convenient options available is to add a link to whatever the event is. For example, every first day of the month you can set up a notification with a link to pay your rent or water bill.

This can be especially helpful if you need to connect to a website that perhaps you don’t use often and don’t want to forget.

3. Google Backed

Google is one of the most dependable companies in the world making it more reliable than a personal planner or even a lesser known app. With a personal planner, it just takes one mistake to lose everything, whether that be dropping it in the water or forgetting it on a park bench. While other online apps may be dependable, the odds of having a site wide crash or it being hacked are significantly higher than with Google.

The bottom line is Google has such a strong reputation, and so much on the line, that the odds of things failing is lower than just about any other online or physical resource.

4. Part of the Google Family

Whether it’s GoogleMeets, Gmail, GoogleChats or even GoogleDocs, the convenience of having all of these under the same umbrella of Google makes everything very convenient.

Under the comments section of an event that is created, an option is to upload any document from GoogleDrive. This is convenient because you won’t ever have to worry about signing in or hoping that the link works.

Under the guests, a user can type in any of their email contacts and it will send a notification to everyone involved and it will be automatically sent to their own Google Calendar, even if they don’t open up the email notification.

While Google Calendar may not have all the bells and whistles of other applications, there is little dispute that when it comes to dependability, resources, reputation, and on-time reminders, this option is one that should be considered for anyone who utilizes their Google account.

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