Every Type of Business Technology and Software a Company Needs

In the past, running a business was one of the most difficult tasks anyone could do. You had to be hands-on with pretty much every aspect of it. However, those times have all but changed; so much so, that running a business is nowhere near as difficult. That’s not to say it’s exactly easy as you’ll still be going through various challenges. Businesses now rely on the implementation of technology to be run effectively and efficiently. As a new business owner, you’re not quite sure what technology you need to include. In this post, we’ll be going over every type of technology and software a company needs to have.

Customer Relationship Management

Your company may have been founded on your ambition and ideals. It’s also seen as much success as it has because your own efforts. But as time goes on, however, a company’s success is almost completely dependent on the customers. Customers are where most of your recognition and profits come from, so it’s absolutely critical that you maintain good customer communication practices with them. There’s no better way to keep track of these relationships than by implementing customer relationship management (CRM). There are four types of CRMs including operational, analytical, strategic, and collaborative. It’s important that you research each one to get a better understanding of how they work.

Fleet Technology

If your company specializes in delivering products or providing a service, then you are most likely already know that you need a fleet. A fleet is a very expensive investment and must be handled properly. Simply purchasing the vehicles isn’t enough; you must also install the proper safety technology as well. Here’s a quick list of fleet technology you must install:

There’s another piece of technology that every vehicle must be equipped with dash cams. Dash cams are small cameras that are mounted on to the dashboard of a vehicle. It’s to provide a first-person perspective of your fleet driver’s time on the road. These cameras not only give you better insight on how your drivers perform, but it’s also a fantastic way to protect your business in the event of an accident. There are all sorts of different dash cams to choose from ranging from wired to AI.

Be sure to review a guide to learn about the differences between these dash cams and determine which is the better option. In addition to the technology, you need to implement fleet management software as well. This software lets you check on the current status of your fleet at any point in time. It allows you to dispatch vehicles easier, better strategize routes and manage your assets.

Payment Processing System

Employees are the ultimate backbone of any business. Without them to handle the sheer number of tasks and responsibilities, a company would go under quickly. Obviously, they don’t do this work for free and expect to be paid in a timely manner. As a new business owner, you may think that you’ll have to manually write out each employee’s paychecks. While that was a task in the past, it was incredibly time consuming.

People had to crunch the numbers, calculate the amount of hours each employee worked, and then equally distribute the funds. These days, however, it’s all digital. A task that once took hours is able to be completed in just a few minutes thanks to payment processing systems. Payment processing systems not only affect employees; they also allow customers to pay how they want such as using credit and debit cards.


Because businesses can generate so much success and profit, they’re prime targets for hackers. Hackers are, unfortunately, very crafty and if they’re given enough time, they can crack just about anything ranging from your employee’s personal files to your business account password. However, just as hackers can adapt to any situation, so do the cybersecurity measures. Implementing cybersecurity solutions is an absolute must for any business. This is yet another expense that can cost quite a bit of money, so make sure to research the prices and budget for them accordingly.

Social Media Accounts

The goal of every company, regardless of their specialty, is to make a profit. However, you’ll need to attract the attention of your target audience before that can happen. Fortunately, doing so has never been easier thanks to social media. There are social media platforms you can use to spread your brand name and reel in the customers. Today, the best platforms to use are TikTok and Instagram.

TikTok uses short-form videos that cut straight to the point and Instagram to improve a brand’s aesthetic. Both can be a little complicated to use at first, but once you get into the swing of things, you’ll be making quality content left and right. If you find yourself bogged down by all the responsibilities, you may want to consider hiring a social media manager.

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