Dock Lighting for Safety, Security and a Touch of Aesthetic Flare

When it comes to large water bodies – lakes, oceans, and dams, docks play an essential role in connecting people and the water. A dock provides the surface for offloading goods from boats and where people stand when fishing. Besides the versatility, accidents such as tripping can quickly occur on a dock’s surface.

Proper care and maintenance should be a priority for every dock owner to limit accidents. Making sure the dock is well lit is one of the ways to facilitate a safe space, especially at night when visibility is limited. When installing dock lighting, understand the pros and cons of the different types of power before making your next move.

Types of power for dock lighting

Solar and wired lighting is commonly used in lighting up a dock. However, each comes with benefits and downsides.

Benefits of solar lighting

Limitations of solar lighting

On the other hand, wired lighting requires a transformer which may be costly to install. On the brighter side, wired lighting does not rely on the sun, making it reliable. This type of lighting also lasts longer and emits more light.

Weighing the advantages and limitations of each type of lighting will help determine which one best suits you. The good news is you can use both wired and solar lighting for your dock.

Different ways to light up a dock

When lighting your dock, you can explore your creative side to add an aesthetic touch and for safety purposes simultaneously. Here are the multiple ways to go about it when it comes to dock lighting.

Flush mounted dock lights

These lights occur in a small round shape and are installed during your dock’s surface making it possible to walk on them. Since they are hardly noticeable during the daytime, most people prefer placing them on outdoor stairs.

Underwater dock lights

Lighting up your dock can’t be made better without underwater dock lights. The low voltage of these lights makes it possible to place them in water. Most underwater dock lights are LEDs and emit the hue green, which attracts fish. With this type of light, you get to enjoy the sight of fish gathering around your dock during the night.

This light also facilitates you to direct your boat in the right direction. However, the location of underwater lights limits its area of emitting light. You may need additional lighting on your dock’s surface for safety purposes.

Power dock pedestals lighting

Power dock pedestal lighting has two different functions, including being a source of light and power. Just like a lighthouse, this type of lighting illuminates light at an angle of 360 degrees downward. With this lighting, you can supply power to your water vessel and other lighting fixtures.

Motion-activated dock floodlights

Motion-activated lights are perfect for clear visibility from your boat since they illuminate brightly compared to other types of lights. They only light up upon motion detection and are not a source of disturbance to people living around. Besides their safety benefits, motion-activated dock lights will save you much money as they light up only during particular times.

Wharf boat lights

If you need lighting for your dock during sunset with a more nautical feel, then wharf boat lights will be great for you. While selecting wharf lights, choose the ones made of aluminum and are powder-coated to withstand salty water.

Piling dock lights

Birds nesting on your private dock can be frustrating and unsightly. Fortunately, with piling lights, you no longer have to worry about that. Besides lighting up your dock, piling lights offer an aesthetic flair to your space. They are available in different designs – some as double caps, which prevent your pile from rotting.

There is plenty of lighting to choose from for your dock. Regardless of the one you select for your warehouse dock lighting, ensure they are marine-grade materials that you can find at Phoenix Lighting.

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