Buying Pixels: Is it worth investing in NFT

Crazy money for the pixels, these are the modern realities, where only progress does not lead us. Let’s roll back 10 years and imagine the situation in which you invested your mother’s savings to buy a picture with a stupid monkey in a multicolored T-shirt, no matter how loudly you shouted that this was an “investment in art”, but your ass will be on fire. However, now, the world has changed dramatically, trading, mining, crypto bot, WEB3, and more and more complex terminology have entered our everyday life.

In recent months, the use of NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, has sharply increased on the Internet. If you still don’t know what NFT and the art of NFT are, then let’s figure it out.

What a hack is NFT?

In simple terms, NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital asset that can be bought, sold, or traded. Unlike other digital assets, each NFT is unique and cannot be replaced by another identical asset. That is if you own an NFT, no one else in the world can own the same exact NFT.

NFTs are stored on a blockchain – a decentralized database that stores information about all transactions made with NFTs. When you buy or sell an NFT, this information is added to the blockchain. Because the blockchain is public, anyone can see which NFTs have been sold and for how much.

The most popular use case for NFTs is in the gaming industry. For example, the game CryptoKitties allows players to buy, sell, and trade virtual cats. Each cat is an NFT, and each one is unique.

Other popular use cases for NFTs include digital art, collectibles, and experiences. For example, you can buy an NFT version of a song, or a virtual concert ticket. You can also purchase an NFT version of a piece of art or a virtual reality experience.

NFT art

The NFT market is growing rapidly, with numerous artists selling their work on platforms like Cryptofolia. In the context of digital art, also known as “NFT art,” the term is particularly relevant. This is due to the fact that various data devices embedded in the blockchain have helped to revolutionize art.

NFT technology has helped major firms such as Louis Vuitton and the BBC create digital assets and works of art. Trademarks and artistic works are at risk from unrefined handicrafts. Fake Louis Vuitton waxes, for example, may be found online or in unverified businesses.

NFT art can assist with issues such as counterfeiting and piracy. It is not feasible to counterfeit an existing NFT. As a result, the asset is completely unique, yet it is also simple to verify or track.

This will benefit artists, businesses, and other vendors who can sell NFT art directly to customers without the need for middlemen. You may rest confident that you are acquiring the genuine article since you are buying it. The price of digital collectibles and NFT art is presently prohibitively high, with profits being possible.

Difference between the art of NFT and cryptocurrency

If you have 1 bitcoin (BTC) in cryptocurrency, you can theoretically exchange your BTC unit for another BTC unit. You will then be left with 1 BTC. However, because the NFT is one-of-a-kind, it would be impossible to convert one NFT into another.

An NFT is a depiction of an item. In contrast, cryptocurrencies may be readily exchanged for comparable units without any loss of value. The connection between NFT and cryptocurrency is that both are based on blockchain technology.

Is NFT art the new hope for artists all across the world?

Fans of NFT art enjoy it because it allows them to collect items from a variety of franchises and build their own collections. It’s also possible to purchase limited edition, one-of-a-kind works through the medium of NFT art.

NFTs may seem like a luxury to some people since they are not really working on art or images of Nike shoes. However, for collectors, NFT artwork can be useful. Fire or thievery cannot harm property.

You don’t, on the other hand, get to display your collectibles in a glass showcase or hang NFT art on the wall. Whether NFT art becomes popular or not, time will tell. Some people feel that the fad will swiftly change.

Visa’s investment in NFT is just one more example of how promising the technology appears to be. Discover if NFT art is appropriate for you or whether you should stick with traditional art.

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