10 Best LEGO Video Games Of All Time

Best LEGO Video Games

You’re amazing if you’ve got this far to the LEGO video game article. You’re not only wonderful with us, but you’re also cool with the kids, who are presently infatuated with the best LEGO games. Vaping and cyberbullying are prohibited, but LEGOS are allowed.

For all of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, these typically infant best LEGO games are now a huge craze among all the difficult youngsters on TikTok. The sickest thing this side of the Mississippi is LEGO titles, which appear in everything from profile photographs to tearful video homages.

There are several top LEGO games available. With the exception of the Real Housewives, each brand now has its own LEGO game. So, where do you begin your journey into the LGU (LEGO Gaming Universe, for those who are unfamiliar)?

Your Teen Lingo-savvy companion is ready to assist with a map to the top 10 LEGO games of all time. With the arrival of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga later this year, this list of the best LEGO games is due for an update, but for the time being, I’m sticking to it.

10 Best LEGO Video Games Of All Time

1. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2016)

These days, it’s all about LEGO Star Wars. One of them isn’t The Force Awakens. This game wasn’t bad—it was really rather good—but it seemed underwhelming in comparison to the previous LEGO Star Wars games. The game provided a decent graphics upgrade and some more refined controls to the best LEGO games Star Wars-verse, but it still seemed like there was significantly less material than the prior games. It’s worth a look if you’re searching for some more LEGO Star Wars to prepare for the next game.

2. LEGO Worlds (2016)

Worlds would have ranked higher on our list of the top LEGO games if it hadn’t been so awkward. It gave you access to an infinite number of procedurally created planets and regions to construct in, as well as some fantastic co-op. Minecraft with a LEGO skin was undoubtedly the influence. For the most part, it was a nice game, but it might have been spectacular. The controls were awkward, and there were far too many bugs. Let’s hope they haven’t abandoned up and that we’ll see a true LEGO World someday.

3. LEGO Dimensions (2015)

During the Skylanders/Amiibo/Disney Infinity toys-to-life boom, LEGO caught on and created LEGO Dimensions, a game in which you build LEGOs in real life and scan them into a game. It followed standard LEGO game principles with one major exception.

A metric shitton of licenses as well. Gandalf and Batman, the Ghostbusters and Harry Potter, Doc Brown and Homer Simpson, Sonic and Beetlejuice were all there. It seemed absurd, yet there was so much to learn.

It definitely encouraged parents to engage with their children and everyone being excited about a character, from E.T. or The A-Team to modern things like Adventure Time. It’s unfortunate that LEGO Dimensions is presently unavailable, but fingers crossed that they will re-release it and continue to grow the strange cast for one of the most weird gaming crossovers ever produced.

4. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (2013)

Explore a LEGO replica of New York, from Central Park to the Daily Bugle’s offices. You may also play as one of over 155 Marvel characters. This game was ideal for mindless grinding, with intriguing micro missions, diversified gameplay, a custom hero builder, great cars, and an almost unlimited amount of stuff.

Furthermore, prior to the introduction of Marvel’s Spider-Man on PlayStation 4, this was the finest method to traverse Marvel’s New York. It’s also regarded as one of the greatest open-world LEGO games ever created.

5. LEGO City Undercover (2013)

It was the LEGO Grand Theft Auto game. Except for nudity, sex, blood, and violence. LEGO City Undercover was a terrific open-world metropolis for youngsters who, in retrospect, should not have been exposed to a game that probably required a M for Mature classification.

Undercover missed some of the thrill that players receive from licensed games, but it was a terrific time as far as kid-friendly top LEGO games go. The mechanics were excellent, with enjoyable driving and a city that was readily accessible. You’d almost forget you were playing a children’s game.

6. LEGO The Lord of the Rings (2012)

A decade after the original films were released, this game arrived out of nowhere. There have been some really incredible Lord of the Rings games, such as Shadow of Mordor, all of the excellent PS2 best LEGO games, and the upcoming Gollum game, but few, if any, have been as bright and brilliant as this one.

It was essentially a re-skinned version of a standard LEGO beat ’em up and collect-a-thon using LOTR characters. It also opened the way for Gandalf to appear as one of the main characters in LEGO Dimensions, fighting alongside Batman, and anything that makes that ridiculous fiction a reality is a win in our book.

7. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (2012)

DC received the same treatment as Star Wars, with a big LEGO title, a plethora of characters, and a bricked Gotham and Metropolis. After the DLC, the game included a total of 60 DC minifigures, ranging from Batman to Gorilla Grodd.

The gameplay itself adhered to the very usual LEGO formula—a beat ’em up with trinkets and slapstick comedy—which, to be honest, is all most consumers expect from these products. DC Super Heroes also included some decent voice acting, a novelty for the series, which helped bring the silly plots to life.

8. LEGO Harry Potter: (2010-2011)

Who doesn’t like a little Hogwarts magic? And, given the dearth of Harry Potter video best LEGO games (after that fantastic Quidditch game in the early 2000s), LEGO is your best choice. Years 1-4 and Years 5-7 were technically issued individually, however on newer generations, they are combined together. For those who aren’t huge Star Wars or superhero fans, this is still one of the greatest licensed LEGO games. It was cheerful and entertaining, and exploring the LEGO Hogwarts was a lot of fun.

9. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007)

The best of the lot—the original LEGO licensed game as well as all of the other games combined into one spicy bundle. Over 120 playable characters appeared in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, which spanned Episodes I-VI (including a cute appearance from Indiana Jones).

This game was so popular among adolescents on TikTok that jokes about it are still made today. Collecting small kits and ship pieces became addicting, and it was this collecting that sparked the current LEGO gaming empire. With the release of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in 2020, which promises beautiful graphics, new pumped-up gameplay features, and a brick-by-brick retelling of Episodes I-IX, this game’s position on the list may be challenged. For the time being, however, The Complete Saga is the finest LEGO game of all time.

10. LEGO Racers (1999)

This was a fantastic game released during the peak of PC gaming in the 1990s. The game was quite puzzling. Given that I was a bumbling 6-year-old at the time, it may not have been so confusing. Racers, on the other hand, were a lot of fun.

You could customize your LEGO racer and kart; LEGOs would fall off your kart; the courses were all from the best LEGO games; and the visuals were in the odd, washed-out CGI style of the time.

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