7 Essential Office Supplies Every Small Business Must Have

Every business owner understands the significance of different business operations. Whether it is the administration or payroll, every business process has to be efficient and transparent. To make that possible, various business operations require essential resources like office supplies.

From spiral bound book printing to purchasing essential electronics, every business needs to do the necessary work of procuring office supplies. To help you in that mission, here is a list of seven critical office supplies that every small business must have.

1. Technology

Technology and electronics have become an inseparable part of the corporate world. It establishes the foundation for different business processes and makes them more efficient.

Almost every business needs computers to perform and streamline business operations, maintain databases, secure the office facility, take data backups, and establish communication. The WiFi routers, modems, servers help to create a stable and robust internet connection.

The copiers, fax machines, lamination machines, document scanners help scan, print, secure, and share different business documents and maintain clear communication. While procuring these technologies, it’s also essential to keep these technologies secure from external threats like hacking, phishing, and malware attacks. Your office might need to invest a little more in network security.

2. Desk supplies

You may not realize, but you must be using a lot of supplies around your desk. Start with basic desk supplies like pencils, pens, whiteners and move towards other supplies like post-it notes, paper clips, staplers, trash cans, scissors, etc. Closely observe the daily activities you perform at your desk and think of things you need to perform those activities. You might need a whitener to correct mistakes or a highlighter to highlight the critical content in the documents.

The desk supplies will ensure you have all the necessary things to perform your daily tasks more efficiently. You don’t want to hurriedly look for a pen to write down important details from the client. It’s best to keep a desk organizer on the desk and put all your essentials in it.

3. Software and Apps

Regardless of the industry, every business today uses different applications and software to perform its business operations. Different corporate software from payroll systems to employee management provides the features and functionalities to perform various tasks. Such software will help reduce human error and have more efficiency than humans when performing repetitive duties. Software programs help to minimize business errors, increase productivity, and replace paper processes.

Here is a list of different software and applications used by companies:

Website building



Project management

Time tracking

Customer relationship management



Sales and marketing

4. Office furniture

Office furniture plays a key role in workplace productivity. When your staff has comfortable chairs and desks to work on, they feel less physical stress and work efficiently for longer hours. Some essential office furniture items are desks, chairs, sofas, coffee tables, conference tables, storage cabinets, lighting fixtures, and other office decor furniture.

Many companies also invest in ergonomic designs for their furniture. They employ design thinking while furnishing their offices and make them more efficient and logical. Ergonomic chairs with lumbar support help the staff avoid back problems caused by sitting long hours in the chair.

5. Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards are essential office supplies that every office must have. Want to save an important note about the office meeting in the afternoon? A bulletin board is what you need. You can pin your vital notes, reminders, photos, and important messages on it.

The management also uses bulletin boards to display important notices, circulars, and announcements. They can vary in size and function. Some boards use metal surfaces and magnets, while some use styrofoam and thumb pins.

6. Office stationery

Information is one of the most critical assets for any company. This information needs to be stored securely with the help of different means. Office stationery helps to secure and keep information using physical mediums like notebooks, files, notepads, stamps, envelopes, papers, etc.

Almost every small or large business has different documents like employee handbooks, corporate policy books, company literature, etc. This information is vast, and it cannot be easy to share it with the staff with only papers. That’s when spiral bound stationery comes into the picture. Using a spiral bound book printing will come in handy to keep important information in one place. It uses a durable coil that firmly holds the paper and can accommodate a higher number of pages. The coil also makes it easier to flip through the massive number of pages.

7. Gadgets

Every office relies on different gadgets to perform various functions. Gadgets like power bricks, USB drives, external hard drives, smartphones, laptops, and smartphone chargers are highly useful gadgets that every office should have.

Office supplies are not only helpful but play an essential role in boosting workplace productivity. If you are the in-charge of procuring office supplies, you need to consider the needs of your staff and get the right office supplies.

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