5 Easy Steps to Design Your Excel Sheets for Pinterest Posts

How To Post On Pinterest

Are you looking to expand your audience and get more traffic to your website? One of the best ways to do this is by using visuals to make content easier to digest, more interesting, and ultimately more shareable. Excel sheets are a great tool for this because they’re incredibly flexible and can be designed to fit almost any occasion or purpose you have in mind, from posting on Pinterest to updating your social media accounts. With just five easy steps, you can design effective Pinterest posts right from Excel!

Step 1. Best Time To Post On Pinterest

As Pinterest is a visual platform, titles should be bold and simple. Use a font size of 20pt or more with a suitable alignment. The bolded text would be enough, but you can also put an image of your company logo next to it. In addition, make sure your title is easy to read and doesn’t use too many words so as not to cut down on post length. You may also write about something important in one sentence which you want readers to know when they scroll through their feed. For example, NEW PRODUCT LAUNCHED! can act as an attention grabber.

Step 2. Use Meaningful Filenames

The next thing you should pay attention to is file names, specifically using keywords in your file names. This will help your files rank higher in search engines when someone does a Google image search. It’s important to make sure you’re putting keywords in all of your file names! Do not use special characters or weird symbols because it won’t work. Just make sure your timesheet template is readable and has actual words.

Step 3. Add Call-to-Action (CTA) Links

Before a reader can take any sort of action, he or she must be told exactly what you want them to do. Using CTA links, tell your reader what they need to do when they get on Pinterest and come across your post. Do you want them to like it? Tell them exactly how.

Step 4. Add Keywords

If you’re posting an image of an Excel sheet, make sure your cell-containing headers are informative and (if possible) include links. You can do so by clicking on any cell in your spreadsheet, selecting Insert from the top menu bar, followed by Text Box. Give it a meaningful title (e.g., description of how to use your spreadsheet), type out its purpose, and then click Ok. Make sure you select the Don’t move or size with cells option under advanced settings before saving!

Step 5. Add Text Descriptions

The last step in making your Excel sheet shoppable is adding a caption. This is a text description of each picture and can include any information you want to share with your audience about that specific product, such as price or ingredients. This is also a great place to write short descriptions about why you chose that item, how it’s better than other similar items, etc. Don’t be afraid of using keywords in these captions; including relevant keywords in product descriptions will help people find your posts when they search for related terms.

Finalizing Your Post

  1. Optimize titles – Using keywords that are relevant to your post topic will help improve search engine ranking. If you’re writing about Pinterest posts, then obviously be sure that Pinterest is in your title.
  1. Write unique content – Writing 10 posts that are almost word-for-word is not considered unique content and could get your site penalized by Google or other search engines.
  1. Formatting – Include interesting image captions, bullet points, bold text, etc., but make sure it doesn’t look like you copied and pasted an entire PDF into WordPress.
  1. Proofread your post – Be sure to check over your C# read excel file a few times before publishing it so there are no mistakes!
  1. Add a link back to your site in your post This is a must! It’s considered etiquette on most blogging platforms if you decide to feature another site or piece of content on yours.

Pinterest Course Online

There are plenty of Pinterest Courses that will teach you how to use Excel spreadsheets; both Microsoft and Google offer courses through their platforms. However, many of these classes are designed specifically for business people—and while some may overlap, they won’t be perfect if you’re trying to design an Excel sheet specifically for Pinterest. Check out Skillshare or Udemy for a variety of general-use Excel classes, or LinkedIn Learning if you want a more professional approach.


Delan Cooper is a writer with years of experience in marketing communication. He enjoys meeting new people and reading more books to get inspired for his own book. Connect with him on Twitter.

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